
Orangutan Poetry (Sungai Lading, 2006)

Over the course of a few days while following animals at Sungai Lading in 2006, I jotted the following poems about some of my focal subjects down in my field notes (what can I say, living in the forest for lengthy periods of time without anyone to speak to in English can cause a person to write some pretty nutty things!):

March 14, 2006
Rhoma has a big long beard
And watch out, he should be feared

He throws branches big and small
It helps not if you’re big or tall

Rhoma is lazy today
 My assistants say hooray!

Only five more hours of this
Then back to camp for sleeping bliss

I should not write on my data
But better than on the peta

I do not want to go crazy
Which I will if I am lazy

He kiss-squeaks now and will more later
I think he’s a human hater

Rhoma is so light in color
Only paler is my mother

But he’s red and she is not
Unless the sun is very hot

Well, I guess that’s always true
But to rhyme that’s what you do

Today with me are two local men
I feel like a mother hen

Here assistants call me “Mother”
It’s a place like no other

Other times they call me “Boss”
Which is better? It’s a toss

At least here they don’t call me “Mister”
Or ask me if I have a sister

I was bit by two big ants
Through the leg of my field pants

Then I sat on a big worm
My assistants sure did squirm

The worm was green
The guts were too
They’ll stick onto you like glue

Only one more page to go
Before jam golek, that I know

Rhoma just awoke from sleep
Before no not a single peep

Standing way too close to me
Is a very big dead tree

I hope that wind does not come round
And knock the tree onto the ground

Rhoma shook that tree, you see
He even tried to flatten me

He just wanted to snag crash
And after have himself a bash

Because we’re here he eats so little
He thinks we get in the middle

Of his plans to procreate
But he should just habituate

Two leaf monkeys came to eat
In Rhoma’s tree, that sure was neat

May this poem give you pleasure
Read it now or at your leisure

This is Rhoma’s only story
Hope it brings him lots of glory

Rhoma should get his due fame
And if he doesn’t I’m to blame

Studied for my dissertation
He gave me a laceration

But I am not really mad
He is really not so bad

But why not start to make a nest
So we can all go home and rest

We’ll follow him into the night
For late to golek is his right

It is we who follow him
So we must accept his every whim

He made not one nest but made two
What is it that we are to do?

First we must wait to be sure
Which nest he’ll choose to endure

If we must we’ll wait all night
We cannot put up a fight

Then he’ll start another day
By 4 AM, he won’t delay

August, 2006
His name is Elvis
He sometimes long calls

But when he tries to be the star
Suni he is never far

Elvis can kiss-squeak
And throw epiphytes

But assistants they don’t run
For with Elvis all is fun

Across the flooded swamp
Elvis he sure can romp

He has missing teeth and a loud grumble
But branch missiles he does fumble

In the swamp, Sungai Lading swamp
The hottest spot north of Palangka

In the swamp
The deep peat swamp

Elvis’s yawning is always the fashion in the swamp…
 Elvis is not dead

August, 2006
Lala she has real big hair
But when we search she’s not there

She looks so much like Elvis
Lala’s family

Lala, well she is crazy
Snag riding! She’s not lazy

If she would party with Gula
A “Gulala” we’d have

August, 2006
Velveeta is a cheese
She really likes to sneeze

When she enters thick rotan
You must have a good plan

Pregnant she may be
We have to wait and see

High ho the dairio
Velveeta is a cheese

Franklin knocked her up
Like me she does hiccup

High ho the dairio
Velveeta is a cheese

August, 2006
Suni is made for walking
And that’s just what he’ll do

One of these days that Suni
Will just walk all over you

Assistants they do scramble
Underneath the bramble

When Suni leaves the trees
We all get right down on our knees

One day he came to camp
Without even a headlamp

Suni is made for walking
And for causing lots of gawking

And this bizarre little poem, written by whoever manufactures Snowman brand markers in Indonesia, is too amazingly odd not to share:

a similar caption appears on this box of Snowman markers and reads: This talk, truth was some the sad thing, Is the love and the geological features it is...FLY TO THE SKY...
6 Coloring Markers
Pencil Type
The tree
everyday looks
the sky which
is the fairy
and it does
cluck cluck
and it cries

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