
Sungai Lading (2005-2007)

Sungai Lading will always be my second home, though now only in my memories and dreams. But it still seems like just yesterday that I set up an orangutan research site there. Here are a few photos from camp:

with Ibu Haji, R.I.P. bu!

My office at Camp Sungai Lading

Sungai Lading Camp

A view of Sungai Lading camp & surrounding forest from a tree

At Camp Sungai Lading shortly after we finished construction

My room at Sungai Lading, when camp started to flood

Going over data one night with my wonderful assistants

Taking photos of the full moon from the front of camp

Swimming in the peat swamp in front of camp on Christmas 

 Front of camp during the 2006 flood

Front of camp, view of the toilet/mandi rooms

Another view of the front of camp, just after a storm

And a few photos of the Sungai Lading forest:

A view of the Sungai Lading forest from ultralight

Walking around in the forest in my shorts, no idea why!

Taking a break while cutting transects

 On a transect when the forest flooded in 2006

On a transect at the start of the rainy season

 Two of my assistants collecting data 

The boardwalk along the phenology plot at entrance into the forest

Photo I took of a clouded leopard on way to an orangutan nest

Nichole taking data for her Masters, wearing a WOOL (!) hat to keep away the mosquitos

In the spiny rattan section of the Sungai Lading forest

a langur (Presbytis rubicunda)

an owl near camp

Proof that there were still a few large trees in Sungai Lading (species that didn't float)

 A sun bear walking towards us in on the boardwalk

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