
Selamat Datang: First Field Season in Indonesian Borneo (2003)

Below are some summaries and excerpts from a journal I kept when I first went to Tuanan, my graduate advisor’s wild orangutan field site in Central Kalimantan, Indonesian Borneo. This was my first time in Indonesia, where I met up with my graduate advisor Carel and his wife Maria, and where I first met our Dutch colleagues Serge and Tine, Perry the Dutch photographer, and our Indonesian colleagues Suci and Tatang, as well as several Indonesian assistants, many of whom I worked closely with over the next several years.

I traveled from Washington, DC to Jakarta, via Taipei, flying on China Air, since this was by far the cheapest way to get to Indonesia (presumably due to China Air’s not-so-stellar crash record, though I have since flown on China Air many times without any incident, which is more I can say for other airlines, one of which covered up a near crash of a plane I was in flying from Washington, DC to Zürich, Switzerland involving one of the Swiss presidents—but that’s a story for another time). On this trip we were on a Social Budaya visa, which is no longer possible to use for research purposes. This visa allowed us to bypass the majority of office visits that would occupy days, weeks, and in the most extreme of situations months of my time in later years.

getting fingerprinted (many times) as
part of the permit process (this photo
was taken at the immigration office in
Pontianak (West Kalimantan) in 2008

Even on this visa, all researchers in Indonesia must provide finger prints of all 10 fingers (2x) and a plethora of red background photos of all different sizes. My favorite question asked during this process was (translated from Indonesian) "What color are your teeth?" I asked the officer what was meant by that question and he replied, "They are white". I was once asked to provide 12 different photos of myself (as always, on a red background) at a single office visit (the office visits in Jakarta alone typically took at least a week, but when they didn't we would have to request an extended stay in the city before immigrating to Palangkaraya, Pontianak, etc. At least this first field season I was on a type of visa where we didn't have to go through this complete process of obtaining permission from at least 5 different agencies in Jakarta before flying onto Kalimantan. I once stumbled upon a collage of photos of all researchers and visitors at a particular point – researchers on red background, researchers/visitors on a tourist visa on a regular passport background. Apparently the police offices throughout the province kept these photos in their offices, just in case…

I discovered this collage of several of us (long-term
researchers on red backgrounds, those staying briefly
on regular European passport backgrounds
) handing
in the MAWAS office; apparently it was distributed to
police stations throughout the province, "just in case"
Our intention had been to fly to Palangkaraya, the provincial capital of Central Kalimantan in Indonesian Borneo, within days of our arrival in Jakarta. But due to an official reading of the Koran that was happening in Palangkaraya and attracted people from all over the Muslim world, we couldn’t fly to Kalimantan for the next ten days. So we stayed with my advisor’s brother-in-law in Bogor (a city just outside of Jakarta). I got to see the famous Bogor Botanical Gardens and Carel wrote his book “Among Orangutans: Red Apes and the Rise of Human Culture”. I woke up to the sound of Carel banging on a traditional Indonesian gong each morning and played a lot of Badminton.

Finally we were able to fly not directly to Palangkaraya, but to Palangkaraya via Banjarmasin, the provincial capital of South Kalimantan. It was during this car ride that I first heard the full story of the tragic events that happened at Carel’s Sumatran orangutan field site shortly before I started my graduate studies. We took a day while in Palangkaraya to visit colleagues at Nyaru Menteng, an orangutan rehab facility (the one where Animal Planet’s “Orangutan Island” was filmed). It is amazing and distressing to see so many orphaned infant orangutans every time I visit a rehab center, the vast majority of whom have lost their mothers at the hands of humans…
orangutan orphans at Nyaru Menteng eating durian fruit

The Tuanan project mess (no. 7, Jl. Cenderawasih) is quite nice and off the beaten path. We could take the B buses from the mess into town, where the most interesting thing to do in Palangkaraya was have dinner at the karaoke restaurant Café Boy or hang out eating grilled corn at the Bundarun (roundabout) -- this was the case both before and after the big opening of the PALMA mall near the BNI bank, where I once went with some friends from the Sabangau research site in an attempt to see a movie at the new theater in the mall, but we opted not to watch a movie called “Toilet 105”). I did, however, have a very entertaining time once while in town (I typically made the journey from the forest to Palangkaraya once every 1-3 months, less often in the first few years) on Indonesian Independence Day, playing an arcade game with Susan from Sabangau, in which the goal was to shoot at a giant mosquito (“nyamuk” in Indonesian) before it filled with blood and gave you malaria.

floating across a road on canoes in the rainy season
Back in 2003 and until only a few years ago, the method of getting to the Tuanan field site (a long drive from Palangkaraya to Kuala Kapuas, follwed by a public speed boat to Mantangai, where we arranged to be picked up by the Tuanan kelotok—basically a motorized canoe) involved a very long boat ride and floating a car (often filled with many people—my record was 14 people in a single car) on two canoes pushed by people across the flooded street in the rainy season. Since then the public speed boats have stopped operating and the bridge over the area that always flood was finally completed, but the longer road trip often requires hours of pushing the car through mud when it gets stuck.

Tuanan Field Station (photo taken in 2005)
My general first impression of Tuanan back in the summer of 2003 was that the area is generally unproductive, especially compared to the primary forest I was used to in Thailand (and compared to the Gunung Palung forest where I later spent two years during my post-doc). Canals (“tatas”) have been made in the forest for the purpose of carrying logs out, which drains the swamp out into the Kapuas River. There is a also an old railroad made of logs on Transect L that can be seen clearly in satellite images of the field site.

Odom with fruit samples during a week-long
survey at Sungai Tunggul, where I first tried
to set up a site before politics got in the way
I followed my first wild orangutans (and adult female named Jinak and her son Jerry) almost immediately – Jinak and Jerry and a female named Juni (who is likely Jinak’s older offspring) were the first orangutans discovered at Tuanan, just days before our arrival. During my first few focal follows I saw Jinak build a nest incorporating a fixed roof and leaf blanket. And I heard my first nest smack, a vocalization given by orangutans at Tuanan (but not, 
making a plan while searching for orangutans at Tuanan
interestingly, at most other wild orangutan sites, including my site at Sungai Lading) at the very last stages of nest building just before laying down (“golek”) on the night nest. It is as if they are saying to us “selamat malam” (= good night). Jerry cries a lot, which Carel reminded me is consistent with the expectation according to Trivers’ parental investment hypothesis (fragile sons) that males cry more often than females. Most of my initial follows were with some combination of Indonesian assistants (at this time I didn’t yet speak Indonesian and the assistants didn’t speak any English, so I literally started learning the language word by word using a dictionary and hand gestures), Odom (an Indonesian friend of mine who worked for BOS MAWAS and later helped me conduct my big nest count to determine orangutan density at Sungai Lading; Carel has referred to Odom as the world’s best orangutan nest counter and he is also Birute Galdikas’s nephew), Carel, Maria, Serge, Tine, and Perry.

Sumi and her daughter Susi at the edge of the Tuanan forest
(photo credits: Tine Geurts, Tuanan Orangutan Project)
We all took turns searching for and following various orangutans. Carel was amazed at how quickly orangutans at Tuanan (compared to Suaq and other sites) make their nests at Tuanan (most extreme in the dry season). Yet even at Tuanan we regularly see orangutans adding roofs and leaf blankets, mattresses, and most often pillows to their night nests. Interesting since at Sungai Lading they most often made leafy mattresses—blankets and pillows were made much less often. This first field season was very exciting, since we found so many animals for the first time. Whoever first discovers an orangutan gets to name it, as long as the name isn’t also the name of a living person who might someday visit the site (to avoid data referring to orangutan activities that might get confusing or embarrassing if referencing a familiar person’s name). This first field season I found in a team with Serge, Tine, and our field assistants Nadi and Linandi, Sumi and her daughter Susi (in 2006 Sumi was killed by a clouded leopard and after we took Susi to the Nyaru Menteng rehab center where she thrived for several months, she eventually died of a Strongyloides parasite – she was an amazing animal, one of my favorite) and a big male named Rambo.

The first orangutans I found by myself and named were Niko (the first male found at Tuanan, who ended up being the most dominant male – I named him after my orange tabby Niko and our field assistant Nadi later named his 8th child after the orangutan Niko), Kerry (I like the name Carrie, but we couldn’t spell Kerry with a C because Cerry, or Carrie as I would have spelled it, would be pronounced in Indonesian the same as “Jerry”, and we already had a Jerry), and her daughter Kondor (who I named after one of my favorite Robert Redford movies, “Three Days of the Condor”, though we spelled it with a K because the daughter of Kerry had to start with the same letter of the alphabet).
Niko (Tuanan Orangutan Project)

I was bird watching alone on a day off the day I found Niko, Kerry, and Kondor. In my journal from that day I wrote: “To the forest alone again today at 04:45, determined to find the source of the long calls to the North.  First gibbon heard calling faintly @ 04:41…I finally saw one of those mini grey squirrels with a mustache…Then suddenly, while sitting on my log looking at the squirrels and geckos, at 07:07 I counted a 6-pulse long call…” To summarize, I followed the long call, saw some tree sways in the distance, and eventually found and adult female (Kerry), her very large but still dependent offspring (Kondor) and a big male (Niko). It is interesting that at Tuanan there are so many flanged males (they have developed cheekpads). It appears that unlike in Sumatra and in some other sites in Borneo, Tuanan males cannot afford to be reproductively suppressed…

on a swampy transect at Tuanan
The big male Niko threw several branches and a dead tree in my direction and came down within about a meter of me while displaying in the trees. While he was doing this, Kerry and Kondor disappeared and then Niko came down to the ground and ran quickly away from me…interesting since orangutans in Sumatra rarely come to the ground (presumably because of the greater number of ground predators there). I learned my lesson this day to never again leave camp without my machete, since getting through some of the vegetation without one while trying not to lose Niko was challenging (and painful) to say the least. I lost him for a bit but then found him again by following his long call. He greeted me with a big snag crash (threw a dead tree down in my direction). Eventually Niko went much farther north than the boundaries of the site to the north (at least farther than the site perimeter at the time), but we found him in the area the next morning.

Niko turned out to be the most dominant big male in all of Tuanan. For a while he was running after some of the Masters students and assistants when they were running away from him. One of the most important lessons of orangutan fieldwork is not to run away and to act submissive, especially with the big males. One time my friend Livia was trying to find her gibbon study group in the Tuanan forest when Niko suddenly came out of nowhere and built a day nest right over her head. She ended up having to lay down just under the nest with Niko staring down at her for the next three hours until Niko finally decided to move away!  

Carel held his first short course with our counterpart Indonesian professors and their students at Tuanan in 2003, several of which I have worked with in more recent years. During the course the students learned about triangulation methods for estimating gibbon densities and about various methods of conducting nest count surveys to estimate orangutan densities. 
Tuanan short course, 2003


When Leeches Attack: Gibbons in Thailand (Khao Yai, 2002)

These are mostly excerpts from a field journal I kept while working on a German project on white-handed gibbons (Hylobates lar) called “Genetic Structure of Thai Gibbon Groups at Mo Singto, Khao Yai National Park, Thailand”:

Tommaso –nice guy. Belgian mother, Italian father. Looks stereotypically European. Says ‘spam!’ a lot and talks about people getting smashed by cars.

There are monks everywhere. Monks eat only the food they are given during their morning rounds with basket in hand, once a day, although I have since seen monks sipping drinkable yogurt around 8pm here at Kao Yai…There are all sorts of rules associated with monks and nuns. Men cannot sit next to nuns and women cannot sit next to monks on buses, boats, etc…

First day in the forest of Khao Yai. Now I understand why the tourists (who we are not allowed to associate with) so often get lost and end up even more hopelessly lost when they stumble upon our gibbon trails…this is not going to be easy at all! First I must get used to the leeches, which are everywhere…and within the first minute of meeting Luca, he told me about his encounters with Malaysian sun bears – "…they attack when they see you and then that’s it, you’re dead." Tonight we watched the World Cup with a group of Thai men, who served us crickets—quite tasty, but I forgot to pull off the legs—at least the head was already off! 

Pak Chong—so this is where I’ll spend my time outside of Khao Yai—not incredibly exciting, but its true that you can find most things here if you know where to go. It’s hard to remember not to cross my legs in a way that my feet bottoms don’t face anybody!

See Group N—first day working with Adt, a Thai assistant. Group N’s home range is flatter than C’s –this is good, but of course the leeches are much worse here, especially up in the northern part of the range…Adt’s wife is pregnant (‘enormous’, as Tommaso likes to say)…Oh, how could I have forgotten to write about the biting ants? This night they invade my room…ants in my bed and all over the floor biting…Italians here have no sympathy because apparently the biting ants are sometimes even worse in Italy—I don’t believe it!

The gibbons generally stay very high in the canopy, so its tricky deciding when to and when not to wear my glasses. If its raining or damp (which is most of the time, although the worst of the rainy season is yet to come), they fog up…the electricity here goes off just about every night there is a rainstorm (which is just about every night), so now I write this by candle light…As a field assistant there is only so much information I am allowed to know about the project. I know some things, but will wait until I am in a different mood to reflect more intellectually on my experience here at Khao Yai. As for the gibbon groups there are six main study groups (A, B, C, N, R & T), as well as several neighboring groups that often have encounters with the study groups—some are known and habituated more than others…I don’t care what anyone else says, it is really very hard to clearly get a look at these gibbons’ genitals, which we have to do very closely each day to estimate the phase of swelling for the females.

…just heard several people sing (scream, really) ‘happy birthday’ in Thai and then a large gecko just snatched up a big moth – yey for geckos, which are everywhere – very noisy along with the toads that sleep in our shoes at night…I get hit in the head a lot (by falling fruits, discarded fruit shells, falling trees…) – its treacherous out there! Chution and others at WCS are studying the decline of the tiger population in Khao Yai by using as a proxy the increasing numbers and overall density of their prey species –hey, John Terborgh was right about the importance of and destructive consequences of the loss of top-down regulation! …while I would love to see a tiger or other large predator species at least from a safe distance, it is much more likely that I will be seriously injured one of these days by something falling too hard on my head or being stabbed too many times by one of those horrible trees that look like ferns with thorns on the underside…there are many nasty plants, though only 3-4 species to keep an eye out for…Barking deer really do bark. Loudly and all of the time. They are absolutely everywhere and many are tame, as are the much larger sambar deer (bigger than regular deer, while barking deer are a bit smaller and of course the mouse deer is even smaller—really small).

Today when we got back from the forest, Luca and Claudia and I drove over to the big waterfall (Haew Suwat) where ‘The Beach’ was filmed. Luca tells me that in Italy people banned the movie because it destroyed an island somewhere near here…apparently all of the forest scenes were filmed here at Khao Yai. I’ve seen several film crew here, usually shooting shampoo commercials by the Mo Singto Reservoir.

Lots of elephant ticks – they are BIG! Got one lodged in my abdomen, but definitely not as bad as deer ticks. Then here during the dry season the leeches disappear and the tiny ticks you can barely see come – make leeches sound wonderful! Ok, maybe not so wonderful after all. Today leeches were sucking blood from my head. They get all bloated and fill up with blood before falling off…this morning I ended up getting lost and ended up in this ‘very shitty area’ as Tommaso refers to it –is an area with a sun bear family and (tree) poachers living in it and is basically a big swamp filled with deep mud and many, so many spiny rattan and various other horrible spiny bushes that grab you and stab you (I was stabbed once through the head a few days ago). It turns out I had missed the sharp little UNMARKED turnoff that would have taken me to the appropriate night tree on trail NL. Instead I kept walking, not because I thought I was walking in the right direction or was anywhere near the male’s night tree, but because all I could think about was getting out of wherever I was…at this point I realized that several leeches (of which there were absolutely HUNDREDS in the crappy area, all of which were extra attracted to me since my boots and leech socks were still relatively new to the forest) had crawled to my neck, down my shirt, and at least two down my pants, not to mention the ones on my head, which I tried to ignore…

Again in the forest in an area with lots of leeches. Some are better than others—groups N and R live in the VERY leechy areas…I’ve decided that I don’t like leeches in my pants or in my eye (they drop in there from leaves when I am looking at gibbons) or in my ears (where they frequently crawl). I much prefer the big toads that live in our boots at night while we sleep. Leeches in the pants is definitely the worst and the way that you sometimes end up with leeches farther down your leg or even on your feet if the leech socks aren’t tied very tight around your other socks and pants leg. This generally happens if you either forget to tuck in your shirt or because you go to the bathroom in the forest and the leeches crawl onto your skin or pants leg.

Tommaso re-taught me how to drive a stick shift and how to drive a truck in Thailand. It wasn’t so difficult getting used to driving on the left side of the road, but here you must drive basically in the middle of the road, sort of straddling both sides of the line, which is fine until another car comes speeding by you from the other direction or comes from behind you to pass. Tommaso tells me that although you are supposed to pass some sort of a test to get a driver’s license in Thailand, all you really need to do is pay 500 baht and then you have it.

In the little book I keep with a few sentences to remind me of what I did each day, since I can’t possibly keep up with this journal on schedule, all I wrote for today was "ITCHY!”

At night the karaoke singers next door were loud as always. Almost every night this house next to ours is filled with Thai who sing karaoke. When they aren’t doing this they are singing this traditional Thai song that is one of the most monotonous things I have ever heard. Some evenings this tune will be played and/or sung over and over again all night, often past midnight and into the morning. Some mornings after karaoke  either at this place or at the tourist police, we will see people laying out on the grass, still a bit drunk from the night before…at the karaoke parties everyone drinks a lot of whiskey…Even though I ate crickets with him my first night here in Khao Yai, I made the accidental mistake of trying to shake Sombat’s hand when I introduced myself to him that night (not realizing that it is NOT ok for a woman to shake hands with a man)…he sort of leaped back in fright, and since that point we have had problems…at this point I hoped he wouldn’t try to kill me with a machete like Somlong tried to do when he left his wife, then girlfriend, for dead in he room where I slept (a whole other story).

Today in the forest I encountered the nasty little black hair splinter things that come shooting out at you from one of the various climber species like a magnet – I suddenly had about a hundred of these hairs on the palm/back side of my right hand. The worst part was that in addition to being very small and hard to remove (like cactus), these hairs carry the same poison that those really painful caterpillars carry, so its very painful…there is also some sort of a worm that stings a bit and often ends up crawling down my shirt…

Wondering if maybe I have some sort of intestinal parasite – how else can I explain the amount of food I eat every day?!...I do eat a lot of meat here – mostly pak priowan gai lat khao sai tung (‘sweet and sour chicken on rice in a bag to go’) since most people insist on adding meat of some sort to every dish. I’ve even eaten a bit of seafood/sweet and sour fish here and there, as well as a few crickets and cockroaches…Tommaso eats a lot of durian, fermented fish, and cockroaches.

Most men in Thailand become monks, at least for 24 hours to bring honor to their family when someone in the family dies or there is some other tragedy. There are also nuns—they also shave their heads, but walk around in white robes and aren’t as common as monks. One time Tommaso was trying to hitchhike to Pak Chong so he could get to a meeting in Bangkok and ended up taking a ride from a truckload of monks, who insisted on taking him to their temple. Finally he talked his way out of going to the temple, but not until he had been kidnapped by the monks for several hours. There are also many ex-criminals who become monks to avoid going to prison.

Tommaso is still gone in Bangkok...at this point I am having major problems with all three of the Thai assistants...later we discover that the main reason is that they see me as equal or below them because I am also just a field assistant (they don't know/care that I am working on a PhD just like Tommaso and I am female and younger than them)...things did get much better eventually...today I noticed that I definitely had some sort of tropical fungus between my toes...Last night Tommaso came back from Bangkok...turns out one of Tiang's problems was that I didn't realize that by 'you, stop!', he meant that he needed to go to the bathroom in the forest. Now he just rubs his tummy as a signal to indicate that this is what he wants to do!

Today on my way down a very steep slope I came face to face with one of those pit vipers Luca had warned me about. They stay just about at calf height, but I was moving down this mountain in the Group B territory, so I was literally face to face with the snake. It was bright green and luckily was totally asleep – and smiling!

Group N = LEECH HELL…leeches are much better today, but this morning in the dark I was stung by one of those very PAINFUL fuzzy caterpillars. My whole thumb went numb with pain…

RAIN. Lots of it. Lose Group N without finding the night tree. Today, though, there was some excitement as first 700 and later several hundred more pangolin (like big armadillos) were released at the Mo Singto Reservoir and further up the grassland…

Today I was surrounded by a pack of wild dog, quite frightening…I managed to find the female night tree on my own, which was rather exciting…First day off in eight days…the fungus between my toes continues…

taken of my kiwi friend josie in Indonesia,
not in Thailand, but my favorite leech photo!
Blue-green scorpions everywhere, especially on a trail and one just at the NG x DC crossing. In the forest alone again today – I actually find working this way much more productive, as I must rely entirely on myself…finish Group B on schedule – a miracle. Day off tomorrow, then will start Group N block #2. Termite invasion. As Tommaso says, “Here there is nothing much you can do – you have them, you keep them, you just piss them off a bit.”

Really getting tired of leeches on my head. Have a huge headache and two very infected leech bites on my left leg. Hope I can walk tomorrow!

...the next day I had to uit early and hobble off the mountain and drive back to the project house using my good leg. The "special doctor" at the pharmacy we went to in Pak Chong seemed to want to cut off my leg at one point, but he ended up just cutting the leg open with a knife and some needles to get out some of the infection. He was afraid that the wound had already abscessed past the skin and may have reached bone, so I was given a painful injection of antibiotics and several oral antibiotics and pain killers. I had to beg a lot, but eventually the doctors at the hospital gave us a week's worth of sterile equipment and bandages so we could open my leg to release the infection each day from the forest. I couldn't walk for over a week...one of my journal entries during this time reads, "Foot still bloated (3x normal size), but I can now walk..." The clinic doctor agreed that I could go back to the forest, but was afraid that the infection could fluctuate and so prescribed another round of oral antibiotics.

To make a long story short, after following gibbons for another week, I returned to the US, finished the second round of antibiotics, and the staph infection came back in my leg. I ended up in the Duke emergency room (only after putting up quite a fight in the emergency room and being forced to get a CT scan by a neurology resident) getting studied by the Duke infectious disease team, had an MRI and learned that nearly all of the soft tissue in my left leg was gone (so doctors were worried about osteomyelitis and were again discussing the possibility of amputation), became resistant to penicillin, and eventually improved. A year later the infection came back as a golf ball-sized lump in the back of my head. My very good friend and roommate agreed to open the lump with a sterile needle to relieve the infection, which was causing me a horrendous headache the night before my prelim exams in grad school. After passing the exam the next day, I went to the emergency room and went on another round of antibiotics. This  time they must have worked, since it has been eight years since I have had any signs of the infection. A few years ago I told this story to an American doctor in Western Borneo who said she is certain that I actually had necrotizing fasciitis and that the proper first response would have been amputation. All I know is whether near osteomyelitis or necrotizing fasciitis, I am happy to still have my left leg with no more than a single scar at one of the two sites where a very bloated leech had a long meal of my blood before eventually falling off and letting some really nasty bacteria enter the leg.

Back to my journal:
Last full day of following Group N. Tonight Tommaso tells me all about the fascinating Italian and Belgian version of the Boy/Girl Scouts. In Italy the boys and girls are mixed in camps where, as Tommaso says, a lot of ‘ticky tacky’ goes on…the Belgians are a whole different story—the boys and girls separate and there are attacks on other camps…when the boy groups attack other boy groups, someone usually ends up a flagpole and sometimes it can become violent. When boys attack girls they try to steal the prettiest girl and also underwear…they start everything by knocking down a tent and throwing some dishes…

And to summarize final story that only made it into my journal as an after thought: one day I went to the post office in Pak Chong to send some letters back to the US. All of the stamps have an image of the king on them and I didn’t know that you are supposed to use a wet sponge to moisten the back of the stamp before sticking it on the envelope rather than lick the back of the stamp, which is seen as a serious offense, since it is defiling the image of the king. I found this out the hard way when several armed men came towards me. A woman who spoke some English explained to me what was going on and said that the men were very angry and wanted to arrest me. Luckily I was able to talk myself out of the situation, but just barely! 


Orangutan Juga Punya Budaya

Orangutan Juga Punya Budaya ("The Orangutan also has Culture")
by Save The Orangutan on Tuesday, September 7, 2010 at 5:50am

Ternyata tidak hanya manusia yang mempunyai budaya. Orangutan (Pongo pygmaeus wurmbii ) pun demikian. Tapi budaya yang dimaksud tentu saja tidak secanggih, dan teratur seperti halnya manusia. Setidaknya itu diungkapkan oleh peneliti muda asal Washington, Meredith L Bastian, dari Departemen Biologi Antropologi dan Anatomi Universitas Duke, ketika mempresentasikan hasil penelitian sementaranya, tentang orangutan liar yang ada di Sungai Tuanan dan Sungai Lading, Kalimantan Tengah, di Universitas Nasional, Jakarta.

“Bisa dikatakan ini baru analisa sementara. Untuk memastikan hal itu diperlukan penelitian dengan waktu bertahun-tahun. Sedangkan saya baru masuk beberapa bulan ini, dan belum pada penyelesaian akhir yang tuntas. Namun tentu saja sangat menarik, ketika mereka bisa berbicara satu dengan lainnya dengan caranya. Atau secara sosial mereka juga punya, atau bagaimana cara mereka membuka makanan. Kalau hal semacam itu tidak bisa dikatakan budaya, setidaknya perilaku semacam itu hanya bisa dilakukan oleh makhluk hidup yang mempunyai tingkat kecerdasan seperti manusia,” jelasnya.

Meredith sendiri akan menyelesaikan penelitian ini hingga akhir tahun atau hingga waktu diperlukannya cukup. Dia akan membuat tesis: Effect of Dispersal Barrier on Cultural Similiarity in Wild Orangutan (Pongo pygmaeus wurmbu). Orangutan liar yang dia teliti berada di daerah sungai Tuanan (350 ha) dan sungai Lading (200 ha). Keduanya berada di provinsi Kalimantan Tengah (Kalteng).

Menurutnya ada perbedaan dalam bahasa pada orangutan di dua tempat tersebut. Orangutan yang ada sungai Tuanan misalnya. Mereka berbicara dengan sesamanya dengan mengeluarkan suara dan tones seperti suara ciuman. Sementara di sungai Lading suara dan tone-nya seperti suara berbunyi, “Tak, tik. Tok”.

“Saya belum bisa menganalisa ini lebih dalam. Tapi saya juga melihat bahwa orangutan di sana punya bahasa dimana mereka bisa membaca pikiran kawannya. Ketika itu, salah satu orangutan di sana hanya saling menatap, kemudian yang lainnya langsung memberikan sesuatu yang tampaknya dibutuhkan orangutan tersebut.”

Yang menarik lainnya, jelas Meredith lagi, dan menurutnya ini sangat tidak biasa dan dia tidak pernah melihatnya, adalah bahwa mereka juga saling berpelukan, mencium, dan hal-hal yang menunjukkan tingkat kasih sayang orangutan itu tinggi. Dia juga melihat keterbatasan makanan yang tersedia di hutan tersebut, membuat orangutan juga mulai menyeleksi alternatif makanan lainnya yang harus dia makan untuk menyambung hidup. Selain itu dia melihat orangutan bisa membuka buah yang keras dengan berusaha menggigitnya langsung. Namun ini sangat berbeda dengan orangutan yang ada di Sumatera yang sudah mengenal alat jika mereka akan membuka buah yang lebih keras kulitnya.

“Namun itu juga belum tentu bahwa orangutan di Sumatera lebih pandai daripada di Kalimantan. Karena mungkin secara ekologis, situasi dan kondisi hutan dan lingkungannya berbeda. Tapi yang jelas daya tangkap mereka sangat tinggi, sangat cerdas. Ketika hujan atau terlalu panas, orangutan akan mencari daun yang panjang dan lebar untuk menutup kepalanya sebagai perlindungan,” tambah Meredith.
Menurutnya, jika saja habitat orangutan itu didukung dengan baik dan jauh dari ancaman deforestasi, perambahan dan kebakaran, mungkin saja orangutan bisa menyempurnakan “budaya”-nya dengan lebih baik. Sayangnya, kondisi hutan di Kalimantan, menurutnya sudah pada tahap yang mengkhawatirkan. Menurutnya untuk habitat orangutan maka dua tempat itu sudah sangat kecil sekali bagi orangutan bisa bebas dan mencari sumber penghidupannya.

“Makanan mereka sangat terbatas sekali. Sekarang ini akhirnya mereka banyak yang memakan buah yang sangat kering, karena bekas kebakaran hutan dulu,” jelasnya.

Banyak yang mati
Kenyataan lain yang dia lihat dari kehidupan orangutan liar di sana adalah banyaknya kasus kematian orangutan. Hingga saat ini dia belum mengetahui penyebabnya. Namun menurutnya ada kawannya yang lain, tengah menyelidiki parasit dalam faeces orangutan. Nanti akan diketahui lebih lanjut apakah kematiannya karena parasit, atau karena kondisi hutan gambut yang sangat-sangat kering sehingga banyak orangutan “kekeringan” atau karena makanan tersedia terbatas.

Bisa jadi juga banyak kasus kematian karena melahirkan. Ini masih perlu penelitian detil tersendiri. Namun memang saya sering lihat banyak anak-anak orangutan yang harusnya masih dalam ayoman ibunya, kini harus mengurus dirinya sendiri dengan sarang yang dibuatnya sangat sederhana dan mungkin buruk sekali.

Meredith mengatakan bahwa hasil penelitian sementaranya ini akan diteruskannya lagi dengan langkah penelitian selanjutnya. Dia akan meneliti tentang seberapa seringnya orangutan tersebut bisa berhubungan dengan site lainnya. Termasuk meneliti DNA dimana dia akan menyusuri perilaku yang didapat orangutan tersebut.