
Before Sungai Lading, there was Sungai Tunggul (2004)

Before we found Sungai Lading, which ended up being the site that I established and collected data for my dissertation 2005-2007 (and was later burned down ca 2010), there was a temporary site, Sungai Tunggul. This is where I thought I would set up camp. We spent about a week doing an initial survey there, but in the end and after a bit of drama involving the need to keep someone out of jail, I settled on Sungai Lading. Here are a few photos from our time at Sungai Tunggul:

Surveying for a new site is never easy in the swamp...

I once spent many hours at this police station on way back from a survey:

with Odom at Sungai Tunggul

at our temporary camp at Sungai Tunggul

During our first ground survey at Sungai Tunggul

with Didik at Sungai Tunggul

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