

Katunjung was the nearest village to my study area. This bridge was financed with some of the money I  gave towards village improvements when I first contracted to work in the forest across from Katunjung:

I was invited along with friends from Tuanan on several occasions to weddings in Katunjung. This is a photo of me at a two-day/night wedding in Katunjung with the mother of the bride on one side of me and the head of the village on the other:

The Bride

The Groom

With friends and some of the kids of Katunjung

Gotta love Indonesian toilet rooms...

…especially if you are tall!

Leaving Katunjung on way back to Tuanan by kelotok

On way back from Muara Mantukup by way of Katunjung

with friends in the Tuanan kelotok on way back to Katunjung

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